BPRD fall youth sports leagues set to begin

Following COVID-19 health guidance; volunteer coaches needed
BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) – Fall means field sports in Central Oregon, and the Bend Park and Recreation District is gearing up for the start of youth soccer and flag football programs. Both youth sport leagues will follow current guidance provided by the Oregon Health Authority and the Governor’s Office for the safety of participants, coaches and spectators.
Program participants are boys and girls going into first through eighth grade in the 2020-21 school year. Adult volunteers are needed now to coach for numerous teams with both the soccer and flag football programs.
About 1,500 youth are already registered to play on a total of 123 teams in the 2020 Bend Unified Recreation Soccer League, a joint program between Bend Park and Recreation District and the Bend FC Timbers. The league’s season runs Sept. 8 to Oct. 31, with practices held twice weekly and games played on Saturdays. Coaches volunteer approximately five hours per week for the eight-week season.
The flag football league will play Sept. 8 to Nov. 1 and has 540 youth ready to participate on 54 teams. Practices are held twice weekly and games are played on Sundays. Coaches volunteer approximately five hours per week for the eight-week season.
Volunteer coaches are an essential part of the programs, providing support with program logistics, coaching and mentoring youth. Volunteers must enjoy working with youth and be able to create a positive, encouraging recreational environment for all players.
Volunteer coaches will receive orientation/training and on-going support is provided. All coaches must complete a volunteer application and criminal history background check, as well as online concussion awareness training. An online volunteer application is available at www.bendparksandrec.org. Upon application, a link to authorize a background check and to complete concussion training will be sent to assigned volunteers.
Limited registration is still available for the soccer and flag football programs. Parents can visit the BPRD registration website and sign their child up for any team that has an opening or place their child on the wait list if their team choice is full.
For more information, visit www.bendparksandrec.org or contact Rich Ekman, BPRD Sports Program Coordinator at 541-706-6126, rich@bendparksandrec.org or Kim Johnson, BPRD Community Engagement Supervisor at 541-706-6127, kim@bendparksandrec.org