‘Kits for Kids’ assists 965 homeless students
The Presbyterian Women’s group of First Presbyterian Church and local partners distributed 955 hygiene bags to homeless students in Deschutes…
Continue ReadingThe Presbyterian Women’s group of First Presbyterian Church and local partners distributed 955 hygiene bags to homeless students in Deschutes…
Continue ReadingRarely does a big decision on a big issue before the Bend City Council become something of an anti-climactic footnote. But it was only after several…
Continue ReadingWhy did the cattle cross the road? Probably not to help Oregon State Police find a missing elderly Eugene man in Burns, but that’s just what…
Continue ReadingA teenager crashed his SUV Sunday morning after a passenger used a lighter to set his armpit hair on fire, according to the Ada County…
Continue ReadingState Labor and Industries Commissioner Brad Avakian announced Wednesday that Oregon’s minimum wage will increase to $9.25 an hour on Jan. 1,…
Continue ReadingMore than 100 United Way of Deschutes County supporters gathered at the Bend Golf & Country to Club on Wednesday to help kick-off the 2014/15…
Continue ReadingIn less than a week, 12 golfers will represent Team USA at the Junior Ryder Cup at Blairgowrie Golf club in Scotland. And the man who will captain…
Continue ReadingOn the night of Sunday, Sept. 21, Riverside Boulevard will close between Broadway and Riverfront overnight, the city of Bend said Wednesday. The…
Continue ReadingA La Pine-area driver saw a cougar carrying a deer carcass across a road Tuesday night, but an area check did not find the animal, the most recent in…
Continue ReadingFire crews with Redmond’s PatRick Corp. returned from mop-up work on the Deception Complex Fire near Oakridge Wednesday afternoon, working to…
Continue ReadingThough Halloween is still weeks away, local retailers are already getting into the holiday spirit. “Towards the end of the season, I do another…
Continue ReadingCome fill your water bottles with Bend’s award-winning drinking water at the City of Bend’s water tap booth at Oktoberfest this weekend,…
Continue ReadingA human-caused wildfire spotted Tuesday afternoon on the Ochoco National Forest 40 miles east of Prineville burned about 55 acres and was 95 percent…
Continue ReadingA 72-year-old Metolius man shot and killed his 45-year-old son at the family’s home late Monday night, telling deputies it was in self-defense…
Continue ReadingFor years, the community has pushed to make it safer — and two years ago, taxpayers made it a priority with an approved bond measure. Tu esday…
Continue ReadingThe Oregon Parks and Recreation Department invites comments on the development of a statewide comprehensive trails plan at 14 workshops scheduled…
Continue ReadingMeasure 86 was proposed by Oregon State Treasurer Ted Wheeler to expand opportunities for the Legislature to fund student financial aid and…
Continue ReadingCascade Youth & Family Center is the recipient of $13,000 in funding from the Deschutes County Health Services Department, Early Learning…
Continue ReadingTour des Chutes, an annual fundraising event for local cancer survivorship programs, was held July 12th, with record level participation by riders…
Continue ReadingBecca’s Closet, the volunteer-run organization operated through Bend’s Community Center, is the only organization of its kind in Central…
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