Oregon Homeowner Assistance Fund program seeks applications for limited remaining funds

SALEM, Ore. (KTVZ) -- Oregon Housing and Community Services is accepting final applications for the Homeowner Assistance Fund program, which has limited funds remaining.
HAF offers federal temporary COVID-19 emergency mortgage relief, designed to help homeowners who have experienced severe financial hardship due to the pandemic. Homeowners are eligible if they are facing foreclosure, involved in a court case that threatens their home, in property tax foreclosure, or in other high-risk situations identified by a housing counselor.
Homeowners should explore all other options with their servicer or a housing counselor before applying for HAF.
“We strongly encourage eligible homeowners to contact a housing counselor immediately,” said Ryan Vanden Brink, assistant director of Homeowner Assistance Programs. “Scheduling and completing foreclosure avoidance counseling takes time and documentation. While we are accepting new applications, we cannot guarantee assistance to everyone who applies due to limited funding.”
Homeowners wanting to apply for assistance must work with a HAF intake partner to submit an application on their behalf. A list of intake partners can be found at https://www.oregon.gov/ohcs/homeownership/Pages/Homeownership-Assistance-Fund.aspx.
OHCS plans to make its final HAF payments in February 2025, but funds may run out much sooner. When funds are allocated, pending applications will be denied or paused subject to any funds becoming available. Applying for HAF does not guarantee approval or that a foreclosure will be postponed.
Some homeowners may have received letters from their county asking them if they want to apply for HAF. Please note that these are legitimate requests that the HAF team has approved and are not scam attempts.
Homeowners can learn more about eligibility criteria and application requirements at oregonhomeownerassistance.org.
About Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS)
OHCS is Oregon's housing finance agency. The state agency provides financial and program support to create and preserve opportunities for quality, affordable housing for Oregonians of low and moderate income. OHCS administers programs that provide housing stabilization. OHCS delivers these programs primarily through grants, contracts, and loan agreements with local partners and community-based providers. For more information, please visit: oregon.gov/ohcs.