Prineville PD joins New Year’s DUII enforcement
The Prineville Police Department said Tuesday it will be participating in statewide high-visibility enforcement targeting impaired drivers during the New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day holiday.
Officer Jordan Zamora said, “Our goal is to increase the number of officers on the street aggressively seeking out impaired drivers. High-visibility enforcement is designed to deter people from driving impaired and to save lives.”
The Prineville Police Department encourages all drivers to make a conscious effort to drive responsibly. Impairment can be caused by alcohol and drugs.
To increase the effort, the Prineville Police Department will be teaming up with the Crook County DUII Victim’s Impact Panel and Country Cab.
Crook County DUII Victim’s Impact Panel will be donating cab vouchers to those who are celebrating the New Year. The vouchers will be a free cab ride provided by Country Cab. Country Cab will ONLY provide transportation from local bars to residences in Crook County.
“Be safe during this holiday season,” Zamora said.
This enhanced enforcement is provided through overtime funding from the Oregon Department of Transportation, NHTSA and Oregon Impact.