Eclipse may pump up Central Oregon gas prices
Central Oregon gas stations are already busy in the summer, and, of course, the week of the total solar eclipse in late August will be much busier than normal.
Area gas stations haven’t seriously begun preparations for the million-plus people expected to come to Orego for the eclipse yet. But they’re obviously expecting an uptick in business.
Usually, tank deliveries come once or twice a week, but that might need to increase for the eclipse period.
“Basically it’s supply and demand, you know?” Bend North Third Street Chevron manager Jaron Rust said Tuesday. “The more we put out, the more deliveries we’re going to get.”
Plus, lots of the vehicles coming through will be RVs, which need lots more gas than regular cars.
The Madras Airport alone just opened up 1,500 spots for RVs to watch the eclipse.
RVs hold anywhere from 15 to 80 gallons of gas, so assuming an average of 40 gallons, one station can handle 55 RVs filling up — not including the increased traffic from regular cars.
Not surprisingly, we can expect a price hike in gasoline around the weekend of the eclipse. One station manager said he expects the prices to be anywhere from $2.90 to $3.10 per gallon for regular gas.
So it coud be a good idea get your tanks filled up before the crowds arrive around Aug. 21, before you have to pay an eclipse premium.