Prineville PD chip scanner reunites dogs, owners
The Prineville Police Department recently obtained a microchip scanner that will be used to identify stray dogs or dogs that are otherwise reported as a nuisance.
The Police Department picks up and delivers about 160 dogs every year to the local Humane Society. Most of these dogs are taken to the Humane Society because they are not licensed and there is no way to identify the owner. Any dogs who can be identified and the owners located are generally returned directly to that owner.
With increasing costs related to shelter operations, the Police Department will now carry a universal scanner, capable of detecting a microchip under a dog’s skin and use that scanned information to identify the owner.
It is hoped that this enhanced technology will further reduce the demand on an already over burdened shelter system and return lost dogs more quickly to their home.
We strongly encourage all dog owners to license and chip their dogs, for their own safety. Allowing a dog to run at large or to remain unlicensed in the City limits is a violation of Prineville City Ordinance.