Santa — and his reindeer — in Central Oregon

Only two days until Santa starts his long flight around the world, and he and his reindeer spent their final weekend before the big trip in Central Oregon.
Santa along with his nine reindeer are at the Operation Santa Claus Reindeer Ranch in Redmond. There they are helping to raise money for the Redmond Rain 14-under softball team.
“We’re fundraising for the girls, so that they can make it through the season and be able to go to all the tournaments,” said Toby Rowe, one of the Redmond Rain coaches. “It’s a traveling ball team, so it costs a lot of money to do that. Tournaments are typically about $400 to $500 to get in, per tournament.”
For just $10 a picture, or three for $25, anyone can take their picture with the big man alongside one of his reindeer.
The softball team is also selling Noble Christmas trees at the ranch, which was donated by the father of a former Redmond Rain player.
The ranch is located at 4355 Oregon Hwy. 126 in Redmond. They will be open Sunday, December 23 rd from 9am until 3pm.