More than 100 new U.S. flags flown in Prineville
Prineville residents proudly displayed more than 100 new American flags downtown on Memorial Day, in a patriotic program that promises to grow in coming weeks and months.
Crook County Commissioner Seth Crawford said he and residents Melissa McGrew and Bob Brumagin have been working on the project for a year, and at 5 a.m. began to put out 118 flags along the sidewalks of Third Street, from Elm to Deer streets, with the assistance of area Boy Scouts.
“We just thought it would be a great way to honor our veterans — anybody you want to honor,” Crawford said.
Echoing the flag displays seen on holidays in Bend, Redmond and other locations, the 4-by-6-foot flags on 10-foot-tall poles have been donated by the people of Prineville, Crawford said. They cost $35 each, and have been flown over the U.S. Capitol.
Along with Memorial Day, Crawford said the flags, each embroidered with the name of those honored, will be put out and flown each year on Martin Luther King Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Patriot Day (9/11) and Veterans Day, along with the Crooked River Roundup and parimutuel races.
Many locals donated time, equipment and-or materials to the project to revive the flag-waving tradition seen in past years, from the National Guard to drill the holes to Hooker Creek donating drills. Read more about the Flags of Prineville project and how it came about in this story from the Central Oregonian —
Joe Gannon said Monday his family bought one of the flags — “just patriotic, I guess.”
“I’ve always thought we needed a little more flags downtown, and it’s a good deal,” Gannon said.
Crawford said, “I really hope to double that” number of flags, and it’s off to a promising start.
“We’ve already gotten some calls today,” he said. “A guy wants seven, for every family member of his that’s been in the military. Another gentleman wanted four for people in his family. So I really think we’re just going to grow.”
“It’s important to me to honor my family, and anybody else that gave us what we’ve got today,” the commissioner said. “If we didn’t have them, we wouldn’t have the life we live.”
“It’s really been a community organization,” he said. “Everbody’s getting together to help out and show our patriotism.”
For more information or with any questions, contact Crawford at 541-447-6672.