Diversity group, Jeff. Co. to mark partnership
The Let’s Talk Diversity Coalition, based in Jefferson County and the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, has been working in collaboration with the Jefferson County Local Public Safety Coordinating Council on a resolution that will ensure a system-wide approach for ensuring cultural competency training for justice system professionals.
The Coalition and LPSCC worked collaboratively to draft a resolution that encourages fair and equitable treatment at every stage of the justice system, as well as encourages justice system agencies to adopt policies requiring ethics and cultural competency training.
The Let’s Talk Diversity Coalition is one of three regional equity coalitions (REC) formed in Oregon to address policies and other social factors that influence health and lifelong wellness in underrepresented populations.
“Any training that can make us better at our jobs is worth pursuing.” said Dan Ahern, Presiding Circuit Court Judge and LPSCC member, “If training can be given that improves our ability to work with the people of diverse cultures who come into contact with our respective agencies, we have made good use of our training time.”
The Let’s Talk Diversity Coalition, comprised currently of 25 local and regional organizations, is no stranger to this work. The group formed in 2008 and has focused on building a sustained movement toward cultural competency and multicultural understanding. Since its inception, Let’s Talk has brought together over 550 community members from all backgrounds in 15 half to full-day diversity workshops to promote cultural competency. Collaboration with the justice system leaders in Jefferson County through LPSCC provides additional capacity for our communities to foster fair and equitable systems.
“We are seeing a movement toward cultural competency training as one policy solution to improve justice system outcomes” said Jeff Lichtenberg, Jefferson County Community Justice Director and LPSCC member. “To truly provide equitable treatment, we must have a multi-system approach to understand the backgrounds and cultures of those we serve and make sure system resources are culturally relevant.”
Please join the Let’s Talk Diversity Coalition and the Jefferson County Local Public Safety Coordination Council for a public signing ceremony of the Resolution on Friday December 6 th , 2013 @ 2:00pm at the Jefferson County Annex Building, 66 SE D St., Madras . Light refreshments will be provided.