CEC has emergency outage at Black Butte Ranch
Central Electric Cooperative’s crews temporarily removed from service a 115,000-volt line feeding the Black Butte Substation for 40 minutes Friday afternoon.
The disruption that was began around 2:30 p.m. ended at 3:10 p.m., and emergency repairs to the line went smoothly, a spokesman said.
By de-energizing the line, crews were able to work safely and quickly to limit the outage length to less than the scheduled hour.
The service interruption affected about1,800 customers in Black Butte Ranch, Camp Sherman, Hoodoo Ski Area and the Suttle Lake area.
Brad Wilson, assistant operations manager, said, “By detecting the problem ahead of time and making the repairs while the line is de-energized, we can keep the outage to about an hour, rather than the many hours it might have taken without a proactive plan.”