Eugene man accused of restraining renter in rape attempt

EUGENE, Ore. (AP) – Police say a Eugene man has been arrested for trying to rape his female renter using a homemade restraint system in his basement.
The Register-Guard reports ( ) 61-year-old Charles Salamone was arrested after the alleged February attack that was interrupted when the renter’s adult daughter knocked on the door.
Police said in a search warrant affidavit made public last week the 49-year-old renter told them the restraint system was made from dog collars and cables.
The affidavit says police found a mattress on the basement floor and cables and collars in a locked garage, outbuildings and Salamone’s pickup truck.
Salamone has also been indicted on charges of sexual abuse, attempted rape and coercion, in addition to the domestic violence charge filed in February.
Court records show Salamone posted $12,500 bail March 29.