Bend plans open house on downtown parking plans
Downtown Bend is a vibrant commercial and residential area. People visit downtown Bend to experience an environment that is unique, active and diverse. A well-managed parking system helps make it safe, easy and convenient.
Over the past year, the Downtown Stakeholder Advisory Committee, with help from other community members, has discussed strategies for parking management. Now, the advisory committee and the city need your input on the Downtown Stakeholder Advisory Committee Draft Strategies for Downtown Parking Management.
Please join us for a Community Open House:
When: 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 11
Where: Deschutes Brewery Bend Public House Tap Room (upstairs meeting room) * 1044 NW Bond Street, Bend
*Please note the bar will not be open in the upstairs Tap Room during the meeting.
What: There will be a brief presentation at 4:45 p.m., which will be repeated at 5:45 p.m. Community members are welcome to stop by anytime during the Open House to talk with Downtown Stakeholder Advisory Committee members and project staff and share your input.
Can’t attend the Community Open House? You can also share your thoughts on the Downtown Stakeholder Advisory Committee draft strategy considerations. The document can be found under “Downtown Stakeholder Advisory Committee” on the project website at . Comments on the strategies can be emailed to . Comments must be received by Friday, May 12 , at 5 p.m.