Redmond schools mark School Board Recognition Month

The Redmond School District will join the other 196 school districts throughout Oregon to celebrate January as “School Board Recognition Month,” Superintendent Mike McIntosh said Thursday.
“I’m very appreciative of the hard work and time our board members devote to the Redmond School District,” McIntosh said. “Their volunteer efforts to guide the district puts our students on a better path for the future. We’re lucky to have such a great board in Redmond.”
Governor Kate Brown signed an official proclamation in October 2018, designating the month of January for recognition of Oregon’s board members.
As elected officials, the board is responsible for the scope, depth and quality of education, and is the official policy-making body of the school district.
In addition to establishing policies for the operation of the district, the board defines the philosophy of the district, determines educational goals and standards, authorizes curriculum revision or development, and approves personnel recommendations.
“While we’re giving them special recognition during January, it’s important to note that our board members work year-round, even through summers, in an effort to improve outcomes for students and provide opportunities for success,” McIntosh said.