New Bend elementary school boundaries approved

Bend-La Pine Schools Superintendent Shay Mikalson on Tuesday approved the adoption of new Bend-area elementary school attendance areas, set to take effect next fall when a new school opens.
He made no change from an advisory panel’s proposal for the map of the new attendance areas, which can be viewed at the school disrict’s Attendance Area webpage.
“These new elementary school attendance areas will balance enrollment and reduce pressure felt at the district’s overcrowded elementary schools, while providing an attendance area for Bend-La Pine Schools’ new 600-seat elementary school, opening in the fall of 2019 in north-central Bend,” Mikalson said in a news release.
Mikalson said he studied community input, met with staff and families, reviewed current and projected elementary school enrollments, and carefully reviewed the recommendations presented by the 26-member Attendance Area Review Committee before finalizing his decision.
In addition to approving new elementary school zones, Mikalson also approved the committee’s recommendation to allow current fourth-graders the option to complete their fifth-grade year at their current school, if the students and their families so desire.
“I want to commend all of the members of the committee for their dedication to the process and desire to consider competing interests,” said Lora Nordquist, assistant superintendent and Attendance Area Review Committee co-chair. “Their efforts will benefit students and staff alike and provide them with teaching and learning environments that they deserve.”
The committee made its recommendations after meeting for four months, hosting several public meetings and reviewing more than 500 comments from the public through surveys and in-person communication.
To learn more about the process and the committee’s charge, visit the Attendance Area webpage.