High Desert Stampede holding national anthem singing contest

The High Desert Stampede rides into town the end of March. Again this year, we’re searching Central Oregon for the best vocalists to sing our National Anthem each night.
Whether you are looking to be discovered, can’t imagine singing anywhere but the shower or do this every day, we want to hear you! Join us to sing your favorite song at a Qualifier to advance to our Final round of competition. Winners will sing the national anthem to open our rodeo performances Friday, March 29 th and Saturday, March 30 th .
The 2019 High Desert Stampede O Say Can You Sing National Anthem Contest is sponsored by Trout Realty, Hub City, The Hideaway Redmond and the Veterans if Foreign Wars Post 4108 Redmond. Together, we will find the most talented voices on the High Desert to showcase at the High Desert Stampede!
We invite anyone, of any age, to participate at no cost. Simply register ahead of time at Trout Realty or on our website www.highdesertstampede.com. Join us both nights for the best rendition of our national anthem possible!
Important O Say Can You Sing Dates
February 9 th , 2019 @ 6PM – ADULT QUALIFIER – Hub City Bar & Grill, 2498 Hwy 97, Redmond
February 23, 2019 @ 6 PM – YOUTH QUALIFIER – The Hideaway Redmond, 507 SW 8 th , Redmond
March 2, 2019 @ 6 PM – ADULT & YOUTH FINALS – VFW Post 4108, 491 SW Veterans Way, Redmond
March 29, 2019 @ 7 PM – YOUTH WINNER PERFORMS at the High Desert Stampede!
March 30, 2019 @ 7 PM – ADULT WINNER PERFORMS at the High Desert Stampede!