C.O. COVID-19 school info: Seven Peaks School shifts online; COCC as well

Area school districts issue updated info
BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- Seven Peaks School in Bend announced Thursday it has decided to close for the next three weeks amid COVID-19 concerns and conduct classes online instead.
Here's a statement from Sam Adams, associate head of school:
Dear Seven Peaks Community,
Given the rapidly developing situation around COVID-19 in our community and around the world, we have decided, starting Monday, that Seven Peaks will close its building to students for the next three weeks. Instruction will continue for each class but will be facilitated remotely and led by our teachers.
While we have no reports to date of this new coronavirus in our school community, we have made this decision because we are committed to the health and well-being of our broader community, especially its most vulnerable members. At this time, Seven Peaks is in the position to be able to act preemptively rather than reactively and because of this we believe that it is our responsibility to do so.
Bend-La Pine schools, along with other public schools in Oregon, are being encouraged by the Oregon Health Authority to remain open because the school system is vital to the well-being of the most vulnerable children in our state. We fully support this effort and believe they are making the right decision for the right reasons. We also recognize that this decision could change at any moment.
We know this will be an inconvenience to almost all of our parent community. Please know that we did not make this decision lightly, but have been in continuous dialogue with health professionals and school and community leaders. We believe this is the right decision for us at this time for our local community.
As ever, we are working hard to make sure Seven Peaks provides the very best education possible and is a positive, responsible member of our local and global community.
News release from Central Oregon Community College:
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,
In light of evolving information on COVID-19, I want to provide you with an update on COCC’s plans for Winter Term finals and Spring Term classes. In short, we will be moving Winter Term finals, as much as possible, to an online or other remote format. For Spring Term, we will be delaying the start of the term by one week to give faculty and support staff time to move the majority of classes to an online or other remote format. More details are included in the full statement below.
I want to once again express my sincere thanks to all members of the College community for their patience during this challenging time. Our top priority is to provide students and staff with a safe learning environment, and this principle guides all of our decisions. As the COVID-19 situation evolves, we will continue to keep you informed. Thank you for your support and for sharing the responsibility for the health of our community.
Kind regards,
Dr. Laurie Chesley
COCC President
Central Oregon Community College Statement on Winter Term Finals and Spring Term Classes
Central Oregon Community College recognizes that the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is of utmost concern to our students, staff, and community. COCC is committed to providing a safe and healthy educational environment, and recognizes the way we provide service will need to shift for a time in response to recommendations from the Governor, Oregon Health Authority, public health officials, Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to help slow the rate of exposure and potential illness.
At this time, the state recommends that colleges and universities work to preserve the continuity of essential academic operations and other supports for students. Other recommendations include that colleges and universities should continue to consult with local and state health authorities regarding any closure decisions. Additionally, colleges should shift instruction to remote/online learning options when feasible. Colleges and universities should cancel non-essential school-associated gatherings and group activities that do not allow for individuals to maintain a distance of three feet or more from one another.
With this guidance, COCC is taking the following steps:
· Final exams for Winter Term are expected to be delivered remotely. We realize this will not work for all classes, so for those classes that will meet in person, we will practice social distancing. Faculty members are working diligently on this, and we ask for your patience. If instructors have adjusted the format for the final exam, students will receive a communication by Sunday night, either through email or Blackboard.
· Barber Library and some campus computer labs will remain open for students who do not have computer access at home.
· There will be no classes March 30 through April 3.Faculty will use this time to develop alternative instructional delivery methods and materials. For Spring Term, we will encourage faculty to shift to remote/online learning tools like Blackboard and Zoom, where feasible, rather than in-person classes. However, COCC recognizes the challenges of remote learning with many classes and programs, such as Career and Technical classes, labs and studio classes. These may continue in person, but COCC will implement social distancing measures to maintain a distance of three feet between individuals.
· Spring term classes will begin on Monday, April 6, one week later than originally scheduled. We will begin the term with remote instruction. If this is not possible, we again will practice social distancing. This alternate delivery is anticipated to last until April 10 and possibly longer.
· Spring term will end on June 12 as scheduled, but there will be no week reserved for final exams. Classes will be scheduled through Friday, June 12. Final exams will be held during the last scheduled class period, as is done during summer term.
· College support services (including the Library, CAP Services, Tutoring and Testing, Disability Services, Computer Labs and others) remain open during normal hours.
· COCC will cancel all events where more than 250 participants are expected, and the College will not hold non-essential meetings with more than 20 people.
· The College is limiting all non-essential college travel. This includes in-state, out-of-state and international travel.
· The move-in day for Wickiup Hall students will be Friday, April 3. Students who need to adjust their move-in day or need residence hall housing between Winter and Spring terms should contact the housing office.
If you have questions, please contact welcome@cocc.edu or call 541 383-7500.
Here are new updates Central Oregon school districts have sent to parents:
Redmond School District:
COVID-19 Update
March 12, 2020 1:15 p.m.
Good afternoon Redmond School District Community,
This morning Oregon Governor Kate Brown issued orders to Oregon’s school districts to prevent the spread of coronavirus COVID-19 in our community. Redmond School District is making every effort to follow these orders to maintain the health and safety of our students and team members. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to address this rapidly emerging issue.
Based on Governor Brown’s orders, our district is canceling all non-essential school and district activities until April 8, 2020. The governor has stated that considerations of school closures will be a last resort. Classes will remain in session.
Suspension of non-essential school-based activities begins immediately, effective Thursday, March 12, and will remain in effect for 30-days, which is through the end of the day on April 8.
Examples of events that will be canceled for the next four weeks:
- Parent and community group meetings including PTC and booster club meetings
- Parent conferences:
- Upcoming elementary conferences will be conducted by phone or email between teachers and parents.
- Non-regularly scheduled school assemblies.
- Field trips and out-of-state trips
- Student events and competitions
- Athletic competitions and events
- School and district sponsored athletic teams will be allowed to practice.
- Facility use by outside groups and organizations
Essential school activities and specific activities will be allowed.
Examples of activities that will be allowed to continue:
- Regular after school student activities. Examples include: Title IA reading programs, Champions programs, theater practices, school sponsored clubs and high school and middle school athletic practices
- Regular internal staff meetings
- Regular scheduled fire drills and other preparedness drills
- Recess
- Regularly scheduled morning gatherings in common spaces before school
Allowable school sponsored activities will resume today, March 12, 2020.
Again, classes will remain in session for the time being. If a confirmed case of COVID-19 presents itself in our school community we will collaborate with the Oregon Health Authority and the Oregon Department of Education should a school closure be deemed necessary.
Visitors and approved volunteers may choose to visit our school facilities but we ask that they follow proper personal hygiene practices and to stay home if feeling unwell.
The district is taking steps to prevent infection and keep students safe, healthy and learning in the classroom. Redmond School District has put in place the following measures:
- Prioritized daily cleaning of all surfaces at every school facility and additional cleaning protocols.
- Provided additional hand washing stations at each facility and is asking all visitors to wash their hands upon entrance and exit of school facilities.
- Encouraging anyone (staff, parents, students, volunteers) that is feeling unwell to refrain from entering our school facilities and promptly contact their healthcare provider.
We strongly encourage proper hand washing for all visitors, students and staff members. Current guidance is to vigorously wash hands with friction, soap and water for 20 seconds. Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to get rid of germs in most situations. If soap and water are not readily available, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. In addition, please encourage proper coughing and sneezing etiquette.
If a parent or guardian chooses to withdraw their student from school it will be considered an excused absence. However, per district protocol, any student that is absent for more than 10 days will be unenrolled. The district also respects any families wishes to limit their student’s participation in after school activities, athletics or events.
Our district leaders are in hourly conversations with local health and state officials in regards to this emerging issue. We appreciate your understanding as we navigate this public health issue amidst our work of educating students.
Thank you,
Redmond School District
Note from Crook County School Superintendent Dr. Sara Johnson
Greetings Parents and Families,
Thank you for your commitment to working with us to keep our schools and students safe. We want to provide timely, transparent, and accurate communication to all Crook County School District staff and families and will continue to send out guidance as we receive updates.
Oregon Governor Kate Brown held a news conference this morning and her office has issued a ban on all public gatherings of 250 people or more and has recommended public schools take additional precautions to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus.
At this time, the Governor is not recommending any school closures in Oregon. Crook County School District Administrators have provided the following information and recommendations for all school facilities:
· Custodial staff continues to deep clean schools and disinfect regularly
· Buses are being disinfected twice per day
· There are no confirmed cases in Crook County and CCSD will continue working with local public health officials
· Suspension of non-essential school-based activities begins immediately, effective Thursday, March 12th, and will remain in effect for 30 days, which is through the end of the day on April 8.
· All field trips cancelled through April 15th with no exceptions
· Sports practices and after-school clubs are still scheduled as normal
· All non-essential meetings cancelled
· All elementary morning assemblies are cancelled
· To ensure consistency and accuracy, all communication regarding the situation will come through the CCSD communication department
· You can find Coronavirus updates here on the Oregon CDC Tracker
· Events like this can also be difficult for children, so here’s some information on how to help children cope during stressful times
We are sensitive to the changes these actions will have on your family and the school community. We understand that many of these events are meaningful and our students look forward to these all year long. However, suspending these events is consistent with guidance from health authorities, and we believe it is a prudent and responsible step to take at this time. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
I welcome your questions and calls. My email is sara.johnson@crookcounty.k12.or.us and the district office phone number is 541-446-5664.