What is Nakhchivan? And after Nagorno-Karabakh, is this the next crisis for Azerbaijan and Armenia
Associated Press
TALLINN, Estonia (AP) — After Azerbaijan’s military offensive regained full control of the breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region, another dispute is looming on the horizon with Armenia: the territory of Nakhchivan. Like Nagorno-Karabakh, where the Armenian population felt cut off from the country of Armenia, Nakhchivan is territorially separated from the rest of Azerbaijan. The issue is clouded in controversy. Nakhchivan is ab exclave, separated from Azerbaijan by a wide swath of Armenia. The 2020 armistice that ended a six-week bar between Azerbaijan and Armenia calls for Baku’s connections to Nakhchivan to be ensured, but Azerbaijan’s promotion of a “corridor” concept raises fears in Armenia that Azerbaijan would intrude on its sovereignty.