City of Bend explains new ‘protected’ Third and Wilson intersection, designed to boost cyclist, pedestrian safety

BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- The city of Bend's recently opened Wilson Avenue Corridor includes a protected intersection at the corner of Wilson Avenue and Third Street. The protected intersection is very similar to a traditional intersection except that it provides more separation and visibility between different modes of travel, city officials said this week.
Here's the city's details on the intersection and a graphic to show how it works:
The design of a protected intersection aims to reduce speed and improve safety of vehicle turns, improve sightlines and reduce the distance and time during which people on bikes and pedestrians are exposed to conflicts.
- Does a cyclist have to wait for the pedestrian ‘Walk’ signal?
No. A cyclist can cross within the green crosswalk in the same manner as any other vehicle – when there is a green light for their direction of travel.
- Can I use the bike lane to turn right in my car?
No. The curb-protected bike lanes are for bike travel only.
- Can I drive on the corner islands?
The concrete corner islands have two different levels:
- The lower level that is closer to the travel lanes are “mountable truck aprons” meant to be driven on by large vehicles (buses, trucks, vehicles that are towing). These are not unique to protected intersections – all of our roundabouts have mountable truck aprons.
- The upper level is not meant to be driven on and is there to protect cyclists from vehicle strikes.
- Why is the Third Street and Wilson Avenue intersection designed like that?
This intersection was designed to reflect newer design philosophies to enhance pedestrian and bicyclist safety. The intersection is based on a ‘protected intersection’ design. More information can be found here:
Questions or Comments
- Construction Phone Line: (541) 322-9919
- Project website:
- Project Contacts:
- Sinclair Burr – PE, Project Manager
- ShanRae Hawkins – Project Public Involvement Coordinator
The Wilson Avenue Corridor Project is the first Transportation General Obligation (GO) Bond project approved by voters in 2020. To learn about more projects around Bend included in the GO Bond, visit