Oregon candidate for governor Q&A: Court Boice

Editor's note: NewsChannel 21 reached out to all of the Democrat and Republican candidates for governor and asked if they would respond to the same set of questions. We are presenting their answers online, in full and as sent, except for any minor typos/spelling errors.
Republican candidate Court Boice
(No website available)
What sets you apart from the other candidates?Â
I am the one candidate with the breadth of experience and depth of knowledge in both administration of government and understanding the proper development of public policy. I will be a working Governor.
What are your top three priorities and plans to address them?Â
#1 Families and our Middle Class. Government exists to provide essential services to the families of our state including quality education, a clean and secure living environment, protection from disaster, safe neighborhoods and to ensure a viable economy. History teaches us that there has never been a society that survived the loss of the middle class. The family does not exist to affirm the government. The government exists to serve the people. Keeping that correct perspective and relationship is my commitment to all of Oregon.
#2 Law and Order. Without it, there is no safe and secure environment for our people to live in security. To address this: I will force prosecuting attorneys to adhere to the Oregon Penal Code in prosecution of criminal suspects. Consequences for crime have to be unavoidable, harsh, consistent and legitimate. Defund the radical left elite ruling class - do not defund the Police.
#3 The Economy. There are too many examples of our country slowly marching toward third-world status and poverty. Without a strong and vibrant economy no state has a future. I will work with the legislature to eliminate our debt and establish responsible fiscal policy. I will remove burdensome business restrictions and regulations and work to lower the tax burden on the people and employers of Oregon. Companies are leaving and we have to develop policies to give them valid reasons and assurance to return to Oregon.
What one accomplishment are you most proud of and why? Â
Fire Danger - Awareness, Prevention, Response, Suppression and Recovery is my number one issue and concern for Oregon and Oregonians. I am a leader in our state. The Curry - Rogue Siskiyou Regional Fire and Emergency Training Center for Curry County has raised nearly $ 800,000 to date. There is a serious shortage of Fire Fighters throughout the Western United States and we are soon going to be in an excellent position to greatly improve those numbers. Improving our rugged and special Oregon Environment especially through improved Forest-Timberlands Management is critical to my success as a Public Servant.
Why should Central Oregonians vote for you?Â
Born in Oregon and lived in this state my entire life. I have been on the front lines 48 years working for good.
I have the background, experience and unique knowledge to function as a strong governor for all the people of Oregon. I am not owned by anyone, no political party, no donors and no special interest. My record demonstrates that I know the importance of listening to and working with the legislators and senators from all over the state to understand their regional issues. No one will outwork me and no one will care more!