Oregon governor candidates Q&A: Wilson Bright

Editor's note: NewsChannel 21 reached out to all of the Democrat and Republican candidates for governor and asked if they would respond to the same set of questions. We are presenting their answers online, in full and as sent, except for any minor typos/spelling errors.
Democratic candidate Wilson Bright
What sets you apartĀ from the other candidates?Ā
The fact that I come from a business background is important. The fact that I have not received money from institutions like the teacher's union allows for me to create a plan that radically changes the education system. The fact that I am strong enough to propose ideas most people would be too intimidated to broach. The thing you will notice about me is I am all about solutions. I am about making people more prosperous not more subsidized. There is a difference and my way creates more wealth for all of us in the long run.
What are your top three priorities and plans to address them?
I feel the homeless issue is the number one issue facing Oregonians.Ā I will end homelessness in Oregon in a good way.Ā I will create three centers, two in Willamette Valley and one in Deschutes County.Ā They will be located in the countryside with no access to drug dealers. Ā They will be safe from hard drugs and guns. Everyone will be offered a private space and free meals.Ā You can come and go as you wish on daily shuttles. Ā We offer drug rehab, counseling, medical help, job training, job placement, and more. Everyone is guaranteed a job working at the center or as a roadside cleaner or tree planter.
2nd most important thing
Affordable Housing. My plan has the State become a real estate developer and we flood the market with affordable housing that we sell back to the citizens. This should discourage speculative buying and hopefully put downward pressure on housing prices. Because we are the State, we can make zoning changes easier and focus on the part of the market the big developers are missing.
3rd most important thing
Education; I will revolutionize our education system. If elected I will direct capital and energy into artificial intelligent learning. By the time Iām done, we will have an App that follows every student giving extra learning where needed. The program will teach as fast as the student wants to learn. The school and the role of teachers will all change as well. In addition, schools will remain open to childcare. Schools will be open from the time parents go to work and will stay open until parents are off work eliminating the expense of after-school care. During this time, children can participate in sporting activities receive extra help with studies, and learn everyday skills. These programs will start as early as ages 6 months of age carrying through until high school.
What one accomplishment are you most proud of and why?
Graduating my two boys and one sponsored Nepalese girl through college.Ā They all turned out to be wonderful people.
Why should Central Oregonians vote for you?Ā
The people of Central Oregon are a lot like me. Most of them cherish the outdoors. They know how important it is to protect our natural environment. Itās a place full of intelligent, hardworking people who care for people, yet they are tired of seeing people camping on the streets, littering their roadways with garbage and trash. They want a solution, they deserve a solution.
If we vote in people from the current establishment, we will never get the change the State so dearly needs. Think outside the box, vote outside the box.