‘Red Flag’ conditions push Bootleg Fire to more than 300,000 acres; crews have blaze 25% contained
(Acreage, containment figures update)
BEATTY, Ore. (KTVZ) -- The massive Bootleg Fire has now burned more than 300,000 acres, prompting more Lake County evacuations as the fire continues to march towards the communities of Paisley, Summer Lake, and Silver Lake," officials said Sunday.
Sunday night's update indicated the 2,181 firefighting personnel had the 303,791-acre fire 25% contained.
Here's the full Sunday morning report:
Bootleg Update July 18, 2021 
Location: 28 miles northeast of Klamath Falls, OR  
Size: 298,662 acres 
Containment: 22%                   
Personnel: 2,053
(Klamath Falls, OR) – Red Flag weather conditions played a significant role in fire behavior yesterday. The fire pushed over Sam’s Cabin Road and the 27 Road to the north. The fire continues to be held from Preacher Flats to Mitchell Monument, and is pushing further east, approaching the 28 road. Fire crews were able to insert dozer line and burnout to minimize the fire growth overnight. One of today’s priorities will be to attempt hold these areas to prevent further spread of the fire.
Other priorities include constructing direct fireline and building contingency lines north of the fire in the Sycan Marsh and along the 28 Road to the south. These contingency lines may be used as the fire continues to march towards the communities of Paisley, Summer Lake, and Silver Lake.
Structure protection groups today will be focused on homes along the 34 and 28 roads. Crews plan to work around Deadhorse Lake to begin preparation of advance of the fire. As work is completed, structural firefighters will continue their work further north on the southeastern corner of the fire. Additional evacuation levels have been implemented in Lake County.
The southwestern flank of the fire continues to hold and firefighters remain in patrol status to scout for areas of remaining heat. As evacuations relax along the south and southwest flanks and residents begin to return to their homes, it is imperative landowners use caution when returning. Firefighters have cleared many of the hazards, however there may be some lingering hot spots and fire weakened trees. Residents may also see smoke as fuels continue to burn within the fire perimeter. Please use an abundance of caution around these areas.
Evacuations:  Evacuations are rapidly changing due to the nature of this wildfire. Please visit tinyurl.com/bootlegevac for an interactive map of evacuation level in Lake and Klamath Counties.  
Closures:  The Fremont-Winema National Forest is closed to the public in the fire area. Map and full order available at inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/7609/.  
Smoke: Smoke impacts will continue to be high in areas north, northeast, and east of the fire today and tomorrow, especially in the vicinity of Silver Lake, Summer Lake, and Paisley. Stronger SW winds today will help scour smoke earlier in the day around Lakeview, Klamath Falls and Sprague River Valley. Full report at: fires.airfire.org/outlooks/southcentraloregon.  
Fire Information Public Phone: 541-482-1331 
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BootlegFireInfo  
Twitter: twitter.com/BootlegFireInfo  
Hashtags: #BootlegFire #FireYear2021