Half-price yard debris recycling begins Monday

Starting Monday, Oct. 29 th through Saturday, Nov. 10 th (closed Sunday, Nov. 4 th ) local residents are encouraged to define their defensible space by taking advantage of the half price yard debris days.
Residents can recycle their yard debris at Deschutes Recycling for HALF PRICE – only $2.00 per cubic yard. FireFree encourages residents to complete their fall clean up and maintenance of defensible space by bringing branches, leaves, shrubs and pine needles to Deschutes Recycling during this event.
Residents can take advantage of this event as an alternative to fall burning and recycle the combustible vegetation inside the 30-100 feet of defensible space around their homes. FireFree reminds you to take a look around your property in the “home ignition zone” where glowing embers can ignite spot fires and vulnerable areas like decks, patios and fences that can spread flames to your home. Where are your most vulnerable places for glowing embers to ignite your home?
Are your gutters and roof valleys free from debris like pine needles and leaves? Clean them out. Despite a metal or asphalt shingle roof, the buildup of gutter debris provides necessary fuel for the glowing embers to ignite adjacent fascia boards or siding – most often made of wood. Do your shrubs and weeds provide a path of fuel for fire to reach your trees or home? Reduce shrubs and other “ladder fuels” around your home to reduce the threat of ground fires igniting nearby trees, or your home. Are the plants near your home fire resistant? Beware of plants that are high in oil content such as arborvitae or ornamental junipers directly adjacent to your home. These plants can ignite even if they are irrigated and look green. By removing these plants are replacing them with fire resistant plants, you can significantly improve your home’s chance of survival. What can catch fire on your deck or patio or near your fence? Remove weeds, shrubs or any combustible materials from around, under or on top of your deck, patio or wood fence. This includes toys, planters, construction materials, patio furniture and cushions along with even small piles of pine needles or leaves. Is your wood pile near your home or other combustible vegetation? Move wood piles at least 20 feet away from your home or other combustibles. FireFree is a year-round effort to educate community members and increase resident participation in preparing for wildfires. Residents are encouraged to visit www.FireFree.org for more information about defensible space, reducing the structural vulnerability of homes and getting prepared for fire season.
For more information about FireFree activities in your area, call your local fire department or Project Wildfire at 541-322-7129.
Deschutes Recycling is located at Knott Landfill
Deschutes Recycling’s operating hours on now through October 31 st will be 7 am – 5pm.
Starting November 1 st the operating hours will be Monday – Saturday
7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
61050 SE 27 th Street, Bend
Visit the FireFree website at www.firefree.org for more information about how you can prepare your property for wildfire season.