Want a memorable Valentine’s Day wedding? Deschutes County judge offers up time on ‘Cupid’s Docket’
Deschutes County Circuit Court Judge Raymond Crutchley has set aside time on his docket on Friday, February 14, 2025 to conduct weddings for couples wishing to marry on Valentine’s Day.
While the Circuit Court Judges rarely perform weddings, Judge Crutchley commented that “Valentine’s Day is a very special day. We are thrilled to once again offer members of our community the opportunity to express their commitment and devotion to each other by joining their hands and hearts in matrimony. We are going to dress up the courtroom a bit and will do our best to make the occasion a memorable one for all couples.”
Couples interested in being wed by Judge Crutchley on Valentine’s Day may call the Administrative Coordinator’s telephone number, (541) 317-4772, between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm on any business day.
Contact the court immediately to schedule your ceremony if you would like to get married at the courthouse on Valentine’s Day. Time slots are limited and will fill up quickly.