St. Vincent de Paul Redmond raising funds

The Board of Directors of St, Vincent de Paul Redmond are pleased to announce plans for a capital campaign designed to raise funds to purchase a permanent facility.
The facility will continue to house their programs, services and store operations. The capital campaign aligns with long range plans that have been in development and process for the 501 c 3 organization for the past three years.
SVDP Redmond provides food boxes, rent/mortgage assistance, utility and propane assistance, education, household and clothing vouchers, and referrals to partner agencies to families and individuals residing in the Redmond area. Over 24,000 meals are provided each month to those in need.
Campaign plans include contributions from SVDP Redmond, grants, fundraising and community donations. A campaign fund with SVDP contributions is already in place and grant applications will begin to go out.
The goal is to raise $1.2 million over the next two to three years. All donations are tax-deductible as allowed under IRS guidelines and can be mailed to SVDP Redmond, 1616 SW Veterans Way, Redmond, Oregon 97756. For information, call 541-504-9840