Bend-La Pine School Board member heads to D.C.
Board members and officers of the Oregon School Boards Association are heading to the nation’s Capitol to meet with members of Oregon’s congressional delegation.
In meetings scheduled for Tuesday, February 4 , the board members will stress the importance of renewing Oregon’s No Child Left Behind waiver, the need for a long-term solution to ensure county timber payments continue to support public schools, and the importance of funding programs that provide support and services for our most vulnerable and disadvantaged students.
OSBA Board members heading to Washington, D.C., for the National School Boards Association’s Advocacy Institute include: President-elect Dave Krumbein (Pendleton School Board) Vice President Bobbie Regan (Portland Public Schools Board), Kris Howatt (Gresham-Barlow School Board), Secretary-Treasurer Sam Lee (Winston-Dillard School Board), Cheri Helt (Bend-La Pine School Board), Tass Morrison (North Santiam School Board), Doug Montgomery (Multnomah Education Service District Board) and Betty Reynolds (West Linn-Wilsonville School Board).