Madras seeks to fill city council vacancy
The City of Madras is currently accepting “letters of interest” for a vacancy on the Madras City Council.
A qualified candidate must be at least 18 years of age, a registered voter, and a resident of the City of Madras for a minimum of one year prior to an appointment.
This is a volunteer position and the hours involved can be long and demanding. The benefit of being on the City Council is the ability to make a difference in this community today and far into the future.
The individual that is selected to fill the position will be completing an unexpired term which will not expire until December 31, 2016.
Interested individuals are being asked to submit their “Letters of Interest” to Karen J. Coleman, City Recorder, at the Madras City Hall located at 125 S.W. “E” Street. This position will remain open until a qualified candidate has gone through an interview process and is selected by the Council to fill the position. Please call (541) 325-0302 should you have any questions.