The complete guide to legally changing your name
LegalZoom explains how to legally change a name—from the documents needed to the potential…
Continue ReadingLegalZoom explains how to legally change a name—from the documents needed to the potential…
Continue ReadingStacker spoke with users of both dating and friend-finding apps to learn more about how people use these platforms to make social…
Continue ReadingStacker used data from the Survey Center on American Life and consulted experts to explore how politics are shaping modern-day romantic…
Continue ReadingTruck Parking Club used data from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and Census Bureau to explore U.S. freight trade with Canada and…
Continue ReadingThe Marshall Project reports on how reproductive rights lawyers, advocacy groups, abortion providers and their patients are responding to the new…
Continue ReadingStacker mapped the Olympic sports with the biggest rise in popularity, using data from Reuters, Sports Media Watch, and Play the…
Continue ReadingThe 19th reports on how Connecticut families brought an end to expensive prison communication, providing a lifeline for the voices behind…
Continue ReadingReasons to be Cheerful reports that a growing number of organizations are challenging conventional ways of paying workers to make salary structures…
Continue ReadingThe 19th reports on how a couple spent years and tens of thousands of dollars trying to have a baby, and then Hurricane Ian hit and changed their…
Continue ReadingThe Marshall Project asked 12 people with criminal convictions what they think of the verdict in Donald Trump’s hush money…
Continue ReadingVotebeat reports that Arizona election officials are planning ahead for paper problems and higher costs with two-page ballots, but they hope to stick…
Continue ReadingLegalZoom explains how an uncontested divorce typically works, its benefits and drawbacks, and the steps to take if it’s the right…
Continue ReadingConsumerAffairs analyzed 2023 data on product-related injuries resulting in hospital visits to rank the top 10 product-related dangers associated…
Continue ReadingNext City reports on Philadelphia’s Zero Fare, a pilot program offering unlimited free rides for low-income…
Continue ReadingNext City reports on Chicago’s Imani Village that will add senior and affordable housing, retail opportunities and more to the Pullman…
Continue ReadingWith more personalized services available than ever, hampr analyzes the ways in which technology is revolutionizing household…
Continue ReadingTrump’s fundraising in wealthy suburbs across North Carolina and other key battleground states is down 25% this election cycle compared to 2016,…
Continue ReadingEdmunds reports that, according to the EPA, diesel fuel is cleaner than ever and the low-torque power is great for…
Continue ReadingThe Data Project used rankings from Open Data Watch to explore how the U.S. compares to other countries in data transparency and…
Continue ReadingRula provides tips on how to take things less personally without losing your ability to show care and concern for…
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