Running for pie and a cause in snowy Bend
A big crowd of runners and walkers braved the snowy cold on Thanksgiving morning for the annual I Like Pie…
Continue ReadingA big crowd of runners and walkers braved the snowy cold on Thanksgiving morning for the annual I Like Pie…
Continue ReadingMiyagi Ramen in Bend hopes to make event an annual…
Continue ReadingPatti and Steve Janego shared this video of their dog, Charlotte, catching Thanksgiving…
Continue ReadingMore than 150 people enjoyed a Thanksgiving dinner on Wednesday at Shepherd’s House Ministries in…
Continue ReadingThe parking lot at the renovated Bethlehem Inn homeless shelter was filling with snow faster than a few folks with shovels could keep up with, so…
Continue ReadingPhia Morton says Bonta, a 1 1/2-year-old Malitpom, has been enjoying the snow by riding a sled on her own down the driveway several times after…
Continue ReadingKimberly Keefer says her kids decided to give their dog, Duke, a job, as her daughter attached Duke’s harness to their sled, threw a tennis ball –…
Continue ReadingBend police Sgt. Rob Emerson on Tuesday night won the ‘No-Shave November’ competition involving his department, Redmond and Sunriver police and the…
Continue ReadingThe Bend Parks and Rec District is surveying the public on its priorities, such as how much park land they’d prefer to see leave…
Continue ReadingDrivers in La Pine talked about how they were handling the snow and ice, while a Bend city official responded to some complaints that a heavy amount…
Continue ReadingDonations from the La Pine community help the American Legion Post 45 provide a Thanksgiving meal to hundreds on…
Continue ReadingThe La Pine Community Kitchen will put on quite a Thanksgiving meal Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and their pantry could use donations as winter…
Continue ReadingRedmond city councilors on Tuesday night consider boosting the fine for illegal fireworks from $100 to…
Continue ReadingState Senator Tim Knopp of Bend held three town halls across Senate District 27 on Monday, with topics ranging from schools to gun violence, as well…
Continue ReadingAs Thanksgiving arrives, so does the big holiday shopping season – and a growing number of Central Oregonians do more of their shopping online. We…
Continue ReadingCentral Oregon tires stores were busy Monday with motorists getting their winter tires on ahead of a forecast winter…
Continue Reading100% of proceeds from the Pacific NW Adult and Teen Challenge Christmas tree farm by the Grocery Outlet in Bend will help participants fight alcohol…
Continue ReadingBrother Speed Motorcycle Club donated seven meals to Redmond veterans on…
Continue ReadingSenior terriers Donny and Marie showed up as strays at the Humane Society of Central Oregon, and it’d be great if they could find a new and loving…
Continue ReadingFollowing the life sentence for the adopted parents of Redmond murder victim Maliyha Hope Garcia, her family is raising funds for a park bench and…
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