ODOT seeks input on Transportation Safety Action Plan update

SALEM, Ore. (KTVZ) -- The Oregon Department of Transportation is seeking public input to update its Transportation Safety Action Plan, which provides long-term goals, policies, and strategies, as well as near-term actions to eliminate transportation system deaths and life-changing injuries.
Help ODOT update the plan to meet your transportation safety needs by participating in an online survey available now through November 20.
ODOT conducted a robust statewide visioning and planning effort to develop the 2016 Transportation Safety Action Plan.
The 2021 update will refresh that plan to address the emerging safety issues and meet federal requirements. ODOT will analyze what has changed in the past five years, evaluate overall progress toward reducing fatalities and serious injuries and identify new solutions to achieve the vision and goals of the 2016 Transportation Safety Action Plan.
Check out the fact sheet, visit the project website for resources on the past and future of the plan and sign up for the project e-newsletter to stay informed. Email questions and comments to: safety@odot.state.or.us.