C.O. Association of Realtors gives $20,000 to Red Cross for wildfire relief

BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- The Central Oregon Association of Realtors has contributed over $112,000 to local organizations this year, most recently with a $20,000 contribution to the Central and Eastern Oregon Red Cross for providing wildfire relief in Central Oregon.
COAR has several charitable giving programs:
- Annual Giving-COAR accepts applications from January-September and distributes funds in October. Local nonprofits that focus on basic needs can apply for program funds. In 2020, the charitable giving committee contributed to:
- Adult & Teen Challenge, Pacific Northwest-Central Oregon Campus
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Bend
- Care & Share Community Outreach
- CASA of Central Oregon
- Central Oregon Hunger Prevention Coalition
- Community Shower Truck Ministry
- Council on Aging of Central Oregon
- Family Access Network
- Family Kitchen
- Friends of the Children Central Oregon
- Healthy Beginnings
- Heart of Oregon Corps
- Jefferson County Faith Based Network
- La Pine Community Kitchen
- Latino Community Association
- Central and Eastern Oregon Red Cross
- Ronald McDonald House Charities of Oregon and SW Washington
- Shepherd's House Ministries
- St. Vincent de Paul Society Bend
- St. Vincent de Paul Society of Crook County
- The Giving Plate
- Volunteers in Medicine Clinic of The Cascades
- Realtors for Kids- COAR dedicates a portion of membership dues to help children in our communities need access school supplies, clothing, dental and vision services. School counselors and Family Access Network Advocates request funds for students in need.
- Sponsorships- While many events did not take place this year, COAR was able to sponsor hybrid events and organizations that remained open including: the La Pine Rodeo, Madras Sparklers, Madras Fourth of July, Sisters Folk Festival, Economic Development of Central Oregon Pub Talks, Bend2050 Vision Project, Central Oregon Builders Association Builder’s Perspective Breakfast, Bend Chamber Impact Conference, Deschutes Library’s Author Author Events and the High Desert Museum.
- Special Projects- Committee and Board members at COAR can bring forward special projects for support consideration, especially capital needs of nonprofits. This year COAR supported four:
- Bend Chamber’s Boost Up Bend grants to help local businesses with re-opening expenses related to COVID-19.
- Mountain Star Family Relief Nursery’s new Redmond facility.
- Redmond Senior Center emergency funding for necessary repairs to continue operation.
- High Desert Food and Farm Alliance Welcome Boxes: COAR purchases welcome boxes from HDFFA for Habitat for Humanity families. Members can also purchase boxes for clients.
• Oregon Home Foundation Grants- In 2020, the Home Foundation is focused on providing relief to those displaced by wildfires. If you or someone you know in Central Oregon has been displaced and is seeking assistance, please contact kim@coar.com.
More information can be found at coar.com on the community involvement page.
The Central Oregon Association of REALTORS® (COAR) is your voice for real estate in Central Oregon. COAR is a trade association serving the professional needs of its 2500+ members. In addition, COAR is dedicated to enhancing and protecting the real estate industry. COAR believes we can build better communities by supporting quality growth, seeking sustainable economies and housing opportunities while protecting a property owner’s ability to own, use, buy and sell property.