Downtown Bend Oktoberfest back for week-long event; kickoff Friday night

Bend, Oregon – Downtown Bend is one of the jewels of Central Oregon. It is the No. 1 tourist destination and, collectively, the largest employer in Bend. Its vibrancy is a cornerstone of Bend culture.
The Downtown Bend Business Association is a small nonprofit dedicated to keeping Downtown Bend vibrant. They keep downtown clean, safe, and beautiful. They are responsible for the holiday decorations, the beloved twinkle lights, the banners, the flower baskets, and more.
Every year the DBBA hosts Bend Oktoberfest, and 100% of the profits from this festival go directly into Downtown Bend beautification.
Bend Oktoberfest is a celebration of food, community, and craft beer. This is a new take on a very old tradition, featuring amazing Bend beer while enjoying Bend’s community at its best. This event is an incredible opportunity to sample seasonal local craft beers as well as select Bavarian wines, eat unique food, and participate in fun events like the Stein Hold, Tricycle Races, Yodeling contests and more.
This year Bend Oktoberfest is an entire week of celebrations from Sept 18th through Sept 25th, with the main event taking place on Brooks Alley in Downtown Bend on the final day, Sept 25th from 10am to 10pm. Purchase of a Bend Oktoberfest Passport gets you a special Bend Oktoberfest stein, beer tokens that can be used at over a dozen local breweries all week long, special offers, discounts, and products at local stores during the week of Bend Oktoberfest, Oktoberfest swag, and entry into the $1,000 Downtown Dollar giveaway.
Passports can be purchased online at or in person at the DBBA Oktoberfest booth in downtown. The launch of this booth will be Friday night during Downtown Bend’s First Friday Art Walk, and the first 100 people who visit the booth and purchase a Bend Oktoberfest Passport will receive a free hat! The booth will be located outside the DBBA office at 916 NW Wall Street. Listen for the Oompa Music and follow your ears until you see the Oktoberfest décor and costumes.
Other prizes will be given away at random to participants of goofy contests, dancing, or yodeling competitions – so stop by the booth with your friends and challenge them to a competition.
Remember, every Bend Oktoberfest passport or beer token that you purchase goes directly to keep our downtown thriving.
“Now more than ever embracing a thrive and help thrive attitude is what is going to take us into the future that we all want to collectively create.” says DBBA Executive Director Mindy Aisling, “Bend Oktoberfest is an easy way for the Bend Community to support local Bend families and contribute to the growth and development of our community.”
Downtown Bend is the heart of the community, and our community takes good care of its heart in the most ‘Bend’ way possible - by drinking delicious craft beer! For more information visit or