Bend filmmaker Brian Craig Hinderberger debuts new documentary ‘Longevity Beta Tester-The Dawn of AI Caregivers’
BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) — The ‘Longevity Beta Tester – The Dawn of AI Caregivers’ documentary, by local filmmaker Brian Craig Hinderberger, is a conversation starter about the role AI plays in aging and health.
“We were awarded a very substantial grant from the National Institute on Aging, to research the efficacy of technology in AI with caregivers of people living, who are diagnosed with dementia and/or Alzheimer's,” Hinderberger told KTVZ News on Monday.
In the film, professional caregiver Angel Westermar talks about how families struggle with caregiving.
“The caregiving job is so hard, but I think every time I've talked to a family, what they really want to do is have these special moments and really enjoy the time, you know, whether it's a mother, father, grandparent, whoever it is that they're taking care of, but everything else seems to get in the way.”
“One of the fun parts of the documentary is exploring the far future stuff. There's a brand new territory and the Star Trek days of having holograms around you, and being able to go into the doctor and have them understand exactly what's wrong with you, or from the history of your data, it's super important.”
So, are there technologies out there that mimic what we’ve seen in Star Trek? Hinderberger says, yes!
“Right now, we're in a world where there's a lot of what we call point solutions. We have an iPhone, we have a watch, we have the Echo. What's happening right now is we have platforms that are like Care Daily that absorb all these point solutions, and so think of the data points as fingertips, and the AI gets those different data points deliberates with each other and says, we're on a very good path, or we need to alert the family or paramedics of this issue.”
Hinderberger says the ‘Longevity Beta Tester’ documentary highlights the evolving field of care technology solutions – and offers a glimpse into how AI-driven innovations are shaping the future of caregiving. Check this space for upcoming screenings and how you can view ‘Longevity Beta Tester – The Dawn of AI Caregivers.’