‘Helping Others Together’ gathers Sandy aid

Helping Others Together is at it again! “Let’s bring our community together and send aid to Hurricane Sandy victims, ” said Victor Gutierrez, president of OG Entertainment.
H.O.T. has partnered up with All Errands ‘R’ Us, Baja Fresh , Distinguished Cleaning Services, JRP Drywall, OG Entertainment, Payless Shoe Source, and local broadcasters to make this all possible.
Two of America’s oldest towns have been hit hard; the people there are staying in shelters at the high schools. Both Eastham and Sandwich Massachusetts are part of Cape Cod, and they could use Bend’s help.
They are asking you to fill a shoe box with necessary essentials — toothbrush/toothpaste/floss, deodorant, feminine items, baby wipes, tissues, hand sanitizer, nail clippers, non-electric can openers, trash bags, duck tape, flashlights with batteries, water purification tablets, tools, etc.
You can either call All Errands ‘R’ Us for FREE package pick-up or drop off packages at Baja Fresh on 3rd Street or at JRP Drywall, 105 SW Hayes Ave.
The community is already getting excited about helping.
“We’re such a small town, and seeing everybody get together and seeing what we’re truly made of is amazing.” said Christina Martinez, CEO of DCS’s and community member
All of the sponsors are excited to see what the community can do.
“Baja Fresh employees are being asked to bring an item to put into our ‘Baja Box.’ This is going to be a memorable time for the Baja family.” said s hift manager of Baja, Alberto Prieto.
This event begins Monday and will go through the entire month. Their goal is to raise a minimum of 100 boxes.
Look them up on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Operation-HOT/511889292163702?ref=hl