The Big One: Not a question of if, but when
We could be minutes, hours, even years away from one of the largest earthquakes to strike off the Oregon coast. State officials and mayors across the state are preparing now for the worst.
Central Oregon could play a key role in disaster relief, something Redmond Mayor George Endicott doesn’t take lightly.
A new report released to the state this week says we could see $32 billion in damage to infrastructure and thousands of people killed. The Cascadia “subduction zone” off the coast, experts say, is due for a major earthquake, based on historical records of past quakes.
“The prediction is up to a 40-meter wave — you’re talking a 120-foot wall of water — Japan(‘s 2011 tsunami) was 30,” Endicott said Thursday.
Redmond’s mayor is leading the charge on the High Desert to get us prepared. He says Roberts Field would be the hub of disaster relief.
“Both FEMA and the state have acknowledged and approached us and said, ‘You are going to be the primary recovery site — we hope you’re ready,'” Endicott said.
He says the city is ready and preparing for the worst. They’ve signed contracts for fuel and other services, so they are available in a time of need.
Cathleen Miller, who has also been working with Endicott in preparing Central Oregon, says families need to be ready and have a survival kit stashed under their bed.
In the kit, she suggests things like water, flashlights, a radio, food and plan for your family.
“Even if you can’t afford to get everything at once, make it a weekend project — ‘let’s put something else in the readiness kit,'” said Miller.
If you would like more information on how to prepare your home, CLICK HERE