BendFilm announces restructuring

BendFilm was honored to present the Tenth Anniversary BendFilm Festival this past October. BendFilm welcomed 100 filmmakers to downtown Bend and the Old Mill District to present their films to the Central Oregon community, which turned out in record numbers to enjoy Bend’s lauded and beloved film festival.
In order to sustain the success and momentum the festival has earned in a decade of progress, and to increase opportunities for community involvement, BendFilm announces an organizational restructure.
Due to tremendous growth throughout 10 years, BendFilm has decided it must reorganize the tremendous work of running a festival by dividing the positions into a creative and operational position.
The Festival plans to grow and expand staff to include both a Director and a Program Manager—to work in tandem with support from an Office Manager, the Board of Directors, an awesome volunteer force and incredible sponsors—to plan, promote and implement the festival.
Orit Schwartz, BendFilm Festival Director since 2010, was offered a position as part of this restructure and declined. It saddens BendFilm to announce that Schwartz declined the Board’s offer to stay on with BendFilm, and will be moving on to pursue other opportunities. BendFilm is grateful for her energy and contributions to the festival during her tenure, and wish her the best in her future accomplishments.
BendFilm will immediately begin recruiting for the Director and Program Manager positions. Seewww.bendfilm.orgsoon for details.
BendFilm Festival 2014 will take place October 9 through 12 of next year. Those at BendFilm appreciate the incredible community support that has carried us this far, and look forward to continuing to bring the brave voice of independent cinema to Central Oregon through films, lectures and education.