Bend-area transportation plan input sought
The public is invited to review and comment on proposed transportation projects in the Bend area recommended to receive federal transportation funds during the next three years.
The list of projects contains both new and previously approved projects on the regional transportation system.
The purpose of the proposed projects is to improve safety; support transit, carpooling, bicycle/pedestrian travel; and ease current and future congestion.
Many of the projects are included in local transportation plans, while others are a continuation of funding for programs such as Cascade East Transit services and city of Bend and Oregon Department of Transportation roadway improvements.
The recommended list of projects is based on the amount of federal and state funds thought to be available to theBend MPO area to pay for these projects and programs.
The public can comment by phone, mail, e-mail, or in person. A public hearing of the Bend MPO Policy will be held on September 25th, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 pm. Please visit the website for location of the meeting at The draft MTIP document is available online at