Ochoco NF finishes one burn; another next week
Fire managers successfully completed the remaining 60 acres of the 180-acre Spears Meadow prescribed burn east of Prineville on Thursday.
They will not ignite the planned 300-acre Squirrel Ridge prescribed burn this weekend, but will look for opportunities to start that prescribed burn early next week, officials said
The Spears Meadow prescribed burn, located about 20 miles east of Prineville, was undertaken in order to remove seedlings that have encroached on the meadow and to promote understory grasses that benefit wildlife and livestock.
Traffic control measures were in place along Highway 26 near the burn to facilitate safe vehicle passage during periods of heavy smoke.
Breezier conditions over the weekend are expected to clear some of the haze that has occurred due to burning throughout Central Oregon.
The Squirrel Ridge prescribed burn unit is 300 acres located just west of Wildcat Campground.
Objectives for that prescribed burn include improving forage for cattle and big game by removing clumps of grand fir seedlings and promoting the understory grasses, and reducing the risk of severe wildfire by removing ladder fuels and promoting fire-tolerant species.
The Ochoco National Forest appreciates public tolerance of periodic smoke in support of these resource goals.
For more information, visit the Ochoco National Forest website at www.fs.usda.gov/main/ochoco/home and follow the Central Oregon Interagency Dispatch Center on Twitter @CentralORFire.