‘Private Bob Shotwell Day’ Nov. 10 in La Pine

As part of the upcoming Veterans Day celebrations in Central Oregon, the city of La Pine will honor WWII Army Veteran Robert E. “Bob” Shotwell at La Pine High School on Monday, November 10 beginning at 10:00 am.
La Pine High School is located at 51633 Coach Rd.
Bob Shotwell served as a Combat Amphibious Engineer during the first wave of landings on Omaha Beach on D-Day, June 6, 1944 just over 70 years ago. He was one of only 4 survivors of his 40 member unit during the landing and went on to fight in Northern France, Rhineland and Central Europe.
La Pine City Council President Stu Martinez will read the City Council’s “Private Bob Shotwell Day” Proclamation and present it to Shotwell, a well-known reporter for many years in the area.
The ceremony will include American Legion Post 45, La Pine High School’s Navy JROTC and Choir, speakers Deschutes County Commissioner Tony DeBone and Rep. Mike McLane, presentations of Shotwell’s WWII story, WWII medals, historic records, Omaha Beach sand and a British Army Sword Ceremony. A reception follows.
The ceremony is open to the public and at no charge.