Cause sought for Redmond mobile home fire

Investigators are looking for the cause of a fast-moving fire that tore through a mobile home in northwest Redmond just before the noon hour Thursday, sending up a tall black smoke plume before firefighters arrived to knock down the flames.
No injuries were reported from the fire in Space 8 at the 4-Wheel Mobil Home Court, located at 1241 Northwest Sixth Street.
Initial dispatch reports indicated that while no people were inside, there were some pet snakes. And Fire Marshal Traci Cooper later confirmed that while no people were injured, two snakes and a cat were lost to the fire.
The home was fully engulfed when Redmond firefighters arrived on scene, but two residents were outside unhurt, including owner-occupant Bill Havens.
A dozen firefighters and a volunteer were called out, and mutual aid soon was requested from the Bend and Crook County fire departments to help staff stations and handle other calls. Pacific Power, Cascade Natural Gas and Redmond police also assisted.
A neighbor said she heard some loud noises, though they didn’t sound like explosions.
Losses were estimated at $40,000 to the single-wide manufactured home and its contents.
The American Red Cross is assisting the two displaced adults with food, clothing and lodging, among other disaster services.