Shevlin Park management plan sparks discussion
Shevlin Park is Bend’s largest park, covering over 600 acres. Users range from hikers to cyclists, families, nearby residents and dog owners that have come to somewhat of a conflict using same trails or being disturbed by dogs off leash.
The Bend Parks and Recreation District is discussing adding new policies or enforcing policies they already have in place.
Park district Landscape Architect Jim Figurski said at Wednesday night’s public meeting on a new draft management plan that they’ve been “fairly laid back in the management style,” and now they want to make necessary changes for Bend’s growing park use.
Starting July 1 st , they’ll increase their stewardship staff, so now a member will be visiting the park at random hours, explaining park policies to users.
Aspen Hall’s parking has always been limited. It has 64 spaces but can have up to 150 guests. The district will now mark 10 spaces solely for the public to use outside of attending an event.
The draft of the management plan can be found online at: