C.O. Visitors Assn. elects board, officers

At Wednesday’s meeting of the Central Oregon Visitors Association Board of Directors, the annual election of Directors and Officers for Fiscal Year 2015/2016 were ratified as follows:
Tom Anderson, Administrator, Deschutes County (Ex-Officio)
Tammy Baney, Commissioner, Deschutes County
Penny Bennington, Owner, Bennington Properties
Dan Despotopulos, Manager, Deschutes Fair & Expo
Scott Huntsman, Manager, Black Butte Ranch
Shawna Pence, Owner, Sunset Lodging
Dennis Oliphant, Owner, Sun Country Tours
Tom O’Shea, Managing Director, Sunriver Resort
Dave Rathbun, President, Mt. Bachelor, Inc.
Spencer Schaub, General Manager, Pronghorn
Chris van der Velde, Managing Partner, Tetherow
Ryan Smith, Owner, Alpine Entertainment
Dana Whitelaw, PhD, President, High Desert Museum
“Central Oregon tourism benefits greatly from the depth of expertise and industry diversity of the business leaders elected by the COVA Membership to serve on the FY-2016 COVA Board of Directors,” said Alana Hughson, CEO. “These outstanding individuals in our community share a commitment to regional tourism marketing and provide a powerful foundation from which COVA will continue to market the destination to visitors.”
Officers elected to lead the organization for the fiscal year July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 are:
Scott Huntsman, Chairman of the Board
Tom O’Shea, Vice Chairman of the Board
Dan Despotopulos, Treasurer
The Central Oregon Visitors Association (COVA) has been the non-profit tourism Destination Marketing Association serving Central Oregon since 1971. Supported by nearly 500 member businesses and operating with an annual budget of more than $2.2 million; COVA manages tourism advertising, marketing, promotion, public relations, industry relations, special event management and the region-wide Housing Bureau. For more information, visit www.VisitCentralOregon.com or call 800-800-8334.