OSU-Cascades creating community integration panel
Oregon State University-Cascades officials said Thursday they are seeking Central Oregon residents interested in helping guide the successful integration of the new, four-year campus into the local community.
The Community Integration Advisory Group will look at creating connections between OSU-Cascades and surrounding neighborhoods as well as with the larger community of Bend and Central Oregon. Applications for positions on the advisory group will be accepted through Nov. 12.
Members will focus on strategies for the university that are well-integrated and invested in the social, cultural and economic fabric of Central Oregon. The group will build upon recommendations developed by Campus Expansion Advisory Committee task forces that focused on neighborhood livability, housing and transportation.
Libby Barg, a private consultant who has helped guide planning and visioning for communities across the Pacific Northwest, will facilitate the group’s meetings.
Discussions will continue into January and are part of the next phase of a long-range planning process for OSU-Cascades.
Subject area experts are also being convened for advisory groups that will focus on issues related to sustainability; arts, culture and enrichment; and health and wellness. Advisory group meetings will be open to the public.
To download an application for the Community Integration Advisory Group, visit OSUcascades.edu/4/community-engagement. For more information call 541-322-3100.