New regulations distance Bend pot shops and schools

Next month, theOregon Liquor Control Commission’s recreational marijuana rules take effect. Now, the city of Bend is out with its own recreational pot regulations for businesses, and both the city and Deschutes County hold public hearings on their proposed rules on Wednesday.
The city regulations are very similar to the state’s new rules. They’ll apply to new and existing marijuana businesses. City councilors said they want to make sure these regulations meet the community needs.
“Between the two extremes of allowing a whole bunch of shops open here or very few, so we chose the middle ground, a middle route, which will please a lot of people,” Councilor Victor Chudowsky said Tuesday.
The regulations include buffers that require recreational marijuana outlets to be at least 1,000 feet from schools and 150 feet from day care centers and parks.
Businesses won’t be allowed to create a drive-thru for dispensaries, and customers won’t be able to smoke the product at the store.
“We as an industry are very open to working with the local community to make sure the implementation of this industry is done correctly,” said Oregrown co-owner Hunter Neubauer.
Neubauer said his marijuana dispensaries will continue to work with county and city leaders, so his company can provide a product that his customers want.
Chudowsky said the city is behind on issuing the regulations because of the confusion over who at the state level is actually regulating recreational marijuana.
Currently, the medical marijuana industry is regulated by the Oregon Health Authority, while the recreational marijuana businesses are under the OLCC’S oversight.
“That has caused a lot of problems, it’s caused a lot of delays,” Chudowsky said. “We’ve had to wait until the last minute to act because we had to wait for the state to make up its mind on how it’s going to work.”
It’s not only the state that is taking its time. Currently, Deschutes County commissioners are discussing whether to allow recreation marijuana grows and businesses in the county, and what the rules should be.
Last month, planning commissioners recommended the county allow businesses to set up marijuana grows, if they meet a number of conditions.
The Bend City Council will be holding a public input meeting Wednesday evening and possibly voting on these new rules during their 7 p.m.
Deschutes County commissioners also will be holding a hearing on recreational marijuana rules at 1:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. at 1300 Wall Street.