Shevlin Park partly reopens after prescribed burn
(Update: Burn success, park partly reopens)
Shevlin Park west of Bend partially reopened Friday, the day after a successful prescribed burn, the Bend Metro Park and Recreation District said.
The burn was a partnership between the park district, the Deschutes National Forest and the Bend Fire Department.
Officials said the park reopened Friday north of Shevlin Park Road. The area south of the road remained closed, as crews monitored for hot spots.
Parking lots gates, signs and district workers were in place to inform visitors about the status, they said, adding that the south area of the park is expected to reopen during the Memorial Day weekend.
The park district will share information on its Facebook and Twitter feeds as available, the agency said.
To maintain and restore forest health and reduce the potential negative effects of a severe wildfire in Shevlin Park, Bend Park and Rec is reintroducing prescribed fire as part of its vegetation management plan for the park, officials said.
The area burned was on the south side of Shevlin Park Road, immediately south of Aspen Meadow and the parking lot and extending to the east near the Tumalo Creek Trail and west near the old railroad grade. The southern boundary was near the covered bridge.
The Deschutes National Forest led the effort, with support and assistance from the park district’s natural resources team.
During the active burning period, nearby residents and park visitors were advised they would see and smell smoke. Most of the smoke should move out of the area within the day, they said, though there may be some smoldering on the following day or two.
Firefighters will monitor the area for several days following the burn.
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