ODOT advice: Eclipse is no game-day, quick event

Experts say up to one million people may enter the path of totality across Oregon to view the Aug. 21 eclipse. Travelers who treat this once-in-a-generation event like a college football game day–arriving just beforehand and leaving immediately afterwards–might be in for some serious interstellar shock, ODOT said Friday. There could be thousands–or tens of thousands–of other travelers doing the same thing.
“Please don’t do that. Build breathing space into your travel plans,” the agency said..
Visit www.TripCheck.com to view about 400 highway cameras and check out your planned travel route in real time. Visit http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/Pages/Eclipse.aspx for #OReclipse travel tips.
Arrive early: Don’t be late for your very important date. Stay put: Once you arrive, help other travelers by staying off the road. Leave late: ODOT predicts skyrocketing congestion immediately after the eclipse when many travelers head home. Beat the congestion somewhere cool and comfortable. This is not a game day: Treat this 3-hour event like a 3-DAY event.
ODOT said it will manage the state highway system as much as possible to try to accommodate the increased number of travelers. Incident response crews will park at strategic locations along many highways to help people and move vehicles causing backups. ODOT does not plan to close any state highway. But sheer traffic volume could still overwhelm the system.
You can help. Plan your journey to avoid the busiest expected periods of traffic ( Sunday and Monday ). If you’re on the road when the eclipse takes place, play it safe! Don’t stop on the highway or shoulder to view the eclipse. Don’t block traffic or walk into travel lanes. If another person’s eyes are on the sky, they won’t see you. And don’t wear your eclipse glasses while driving!
Plan to have a good time in Oregon viewing the eclipse. Plan ahead, so you will.