Hunting allowed near Phil’s Trail Complex

Phil’s Trail Complex is a hot spot for bikers, runners and hikers, but starting Saturday, you could see hunters in the area as well.
The sign on the trailhead says look, listen and smile.
And for the next 12 days, that’s exactly what you’ll want to do — whether you’re a biker, hiker, runner, walker or hunter
Deer hunting seasons kicks off Saturday and lasts until Oct. 11.
Phil’s Trail Complex falls within the ODFW’s Upper Deschutes Unit, where 2,860 tags for one buck with a visible antler were handed out.
And that knowledge makes many bikers very nervous, including Michelle Mahony of Bend.
“It’s frightening, because I’m always thinking what would happen if they thought myself or another rider was an animal out here or got in the way of their target wherever their target might be,” Mahony said Friday. “You just kind of wonder where they are.”
I spoke with the Oregon State Police, and they suggested bikers and hikers wear brighter colors when out and about during hunting season, to avoid being mistaken for an animal.
I also spoke with several hunters who said Phil’s Trail Complex isn’t a place they’d hunt because there isn’t much wildlife, due to all the people
An official with the Oregon Hunters Association said deer are scared of mountain bikes because they are fast and quiet, much like cougars.
Although this may seem like close quarters for two very different sports — there are no reports of any accidental shooting happening recently.
Do you think popular bike trails should be closed during the 12 days of rifle hunting season? It’s the topic of our new KTVZ.COM Poll, halfway down the right side of our home page.