Local Alert Weather, Tue. AM, 3.6.18

Good Tuesday Morning, Everyone…
As high pressure has gained some strength over much of the state of Oregon we on the High Desert can expect one very pleasant and average day. With plenty of sunshine our daytime highs will rise into the low 50’s and breezes will be light out of the SE.
Skies will stay mostly clear tonight. Lows will be down right around our average of 25 degrees. Breezes will become light and variable this evening and remain that way through the night.
A large system churning off the California coastline will spin some clouds in our direction over the next couple of days. Slightly cooler temps and a chance of late day showers will settle in Thursday. Weak showers and breezy conditions will stretch into Friday. All of that breaks just in time for the weekend. Look for a variable cloud cover Saturday and Sunday with highs in the mid 50’s. Thicker clouds Sunday will increase the chance of some late day showers. That will lead us into a rainy, breezy day Monday.