ODOT Region 4 construction update: Week of April 30

The Oregon Department of Transportation is committed to providing a safe, efficient transportation system. ODOT invests in Oregon’s future through roadway improvement projects. The following projects are located in ODOT’s Region 4 encompassing Central Oregon from The Dalles to Klamath Falls on the east side of the Cascades.
All work is dependent on weather conditions and schedules are subject to change.
Where traffic is routed through or around a work zone, pedestrians, including those with disabilities, will also be provided routes through or around the work zone.
Crook County
OR 126 @ Tom McCall Roundabout – Alex Hodge Construction will be finishing earthwork and placing rock on the new alignment of Tom McCall Rd south of Hwy 126. Contractor will also continue installing curbs and medians for the new roundabout.
Deschutes County
US 20: Powell Butte Highway to Horse Ridge Frontage Road – High Desert Aggregate and Paving will continue grinding and paving. There will be one-way traffic with flaggers and pilot cars between 7 am and 8 pm, and traffic may be delayed up to 20 minutes.
US 20: Suttle Lake to Santiam Junction – Knife River will be installing new storm sewer pipes and inlets. There may be one-way traffic with flaggers and a pilot car during daytime hours Monday to Thursday and until noon on Friday.
Jefferson County
US 97: US 26 Jct. to NW 10th Street (Madras – Terrebonne) – No further work is scheduled until mid-May.
Klamath County
US 97 Link River Bridge Northbound Connection – The US 97 Link River Bridge northbound off-ramp is closed for repairs through May 31st. Crews are working to replace the existing concrete bridge deck. During construction, US 97 traffic will be detoured to the north and can reach the City Center via the Crater Lake Parkway/Esplanade/Main Street exit. Detour routes will be signed accordingly.
Wasco County
I-84: Hood River to Tower Road – Oregon Mainline Paving will have the slow lane closed in both directions to pave the shoulders and pave parts of the interchange ramps. The lane closures will be inplace each night, Sunday through Friday morning between MP 71 and MP 64. The on ramp for WB Memaloose Rest Area will be paved Monday night from 7pm – 5am and the operations will be controlled with flaggers, travelers should expect 20 minute delays.
Wheeler County
Fossil Heritage Trail – Construction will take place Monday through Friday during daytime hours. The contractor may hold traffic on flagging operations for up to 20 minutes. Use alternate routes and expect delays when traveling through the listed areas of construction.