Monday AM Local Alert Weather, 7.2.18

Good Monday Morning, Everyone…
The air flow between high pressure to our SW and low pressures well to our NNE will result in cool air being drawn out of the NW right into Washington and Oregon. Under pretty clear skies our temps will only reach the low to mid 70’s and gusty NW winds will pick up to 10-20 mph this afternoon. Gusty evening winds will turn light out of the west after midnight. Lows will be in the low to mid 30’s. It would be a good idea to protect sensitive plants and animals before retiring tonight.
We will stay a bit on the cool side Tuesday. A light and variable cloud cover will be with us through the middle of the week with temps climbing to around 90 Thursday. Sunny skies and highs in the 80’s are expected right through next weekend.
In the NewsChannel 21 Weather Center, I’m Bob Shaw…