Murdock Trust announces grants to 3 C.O. nonprofits

The M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust has published its Summer 2019 Grants Report, announcing 60 new grants to nonprofits serving the Pacific Northwest totaling just shy of $16 million, including three Central Oregon nonprofits.
Bend’s Bethlehem Inn has received $280,000 for its new facility to serve homeless adults.
Redmond-based In Our Backyard is receiving $237,500 for new staff and technology to support its programs fighting human trafficking.
The Sisters Folk Festival received a $151,000 grant for building renovations to expand its service center.
The grant list includes 24 grants to nonprofits serving the Oregon community, totaling more than $7 million.
A full list of grantees and projects funded can be found on our website in this report (please note, the report contains a sampling of grantee projects while a full list of grants made can be found here).
Earlier this year, the Murdock Trust announced that it crossed the mark of $1 billion invested in cumulative grants to Pacific Northwest nonprofits since opening in 1975.
KTVZ 2019